From Skepticism to Belief: Maria's

Remarkable Journey to Healing Anxiety with Energy Work!

From Skepticism to Belief: Maria's

Remarkable Journey to Healing Anxiety with Energy Work!

Unveiling the Unexpected Miracles and Transformation.

Initial Struggles: Maria opens up about her consistent battle with anxiety, experiencing palpitations and overall bodily discomfort. She elaborates on her attempts to manage the anxiety using natural remedies but facing challenges in finding relief.

Medical Consultations: Despite residing in an area with reputed healthcare, Maria consulted multiple doctors. Frustratingly, she felt misunderstood and often faced suggestions for medication that she was reluctant to accept.

First Impressions and Skepticism: Maria expresses initial skepticism when introduced to Leon and energy healing. She details her reservations, emphasizing the importance of trust and openness, which played a crucial role in her experience.

First Session and Immediate Results:

After the first session with Leon, Maria experienced a remarkable shift. She describes waking up the next morning feeling as if a heavy burden had been lifted. The palpitations disappeared, and her body felt calmer, leaving her astonished by the swift results.

Reclaiming Control: Maria highlights that the most significant change was regaining control over her body. Leon's guidance and advice empowered her to handle anxiety when it arose, providing a newfound sense of control.

Surprising Revelation: Maria admits her skepticism but acknowledges the surprising effectiveness of the energy healing work. She emphasizes the importance of receptiveness and trust in achieving positive outcomes.

Three Words to Describe the Experience: When asked to choose three words, Maria selects "unbelievable," "positive," and "reborn" to encapsulate her transformative experience.

Encouragement for Others: Encouraging those contemplating energy work or training with Leon, Maria insists it's worth trying. She emphasizes that openness and receptiveness are crucial and that the experience can be life-changing.

Challenges with Conventional Medicine: Maria shares her perspective on conventional medicine, highlighting the need to acknowledge alternative approaches. She urges people to consider and give credibility to practitioners like Leon, emphasizing the depth of the unseen influence on the body and mind.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude: Expressing deep gratitude, Maria believes in the potential of energy healing and praises Leon's skills. She encourages others to stay open and believes in the transformative impact of this work.

Closing Remarks: Leon expresses gratitude for Maria's openness and willingness to share her story, acknowledging that her experience may resonate with others facing similar challenges. The conversation concHeader Mobileludes with mutual appreciation and well wishes.

Hi! I'm Suling. So I took Leon's course and just very thankful because I learned so much now, because now I can apply it, you know, apply all the tools, have confidence that I know what I'm doing, you know, rather than just do anything. But I do really appreciate you. And, yeah, guys, become an energy healer or heal yourself. Come on. Bye. Be really, what do you call it? Refreshing. Thank you.

Breaking Free from Anxiety: Dave's Spiritual Journey with Energy Healing!

Breaking Free from Anxiety:

Dave's Spiritual Journey with Energy Healing!

Discover the Unexpected!

Dave's Situation: Before we dive in, let me tell you a bit about what Dave was dealing with before our session. Dave had been experiencing anxiety, particularly during the challenging times of the pandemic. This had been going on for about three to four months, resulting in an overall feeling of unease. The anxiety manifested physically, leading to issues like eczema on his face and legs.

Previous Attempts and Frustrations: Dave had tried acupuncture for many years, which helped to some extent but wasn't a complete cure. It brought down the anxiety by about 30% to 40%. While Dave wasn't in a state of crippling anxiety, he did face challenges managing it. Despite ongoing acupuncture, diet, and exercise, there was room for improvement.

The Energy Healing Session: Moving on to our energy healing session, Dave described it as a spiritual experience. Despite being conducted in person, I stood six feet away, working with a crystal. Dave felt a powerful force pushing him back, describing it as an undeniable, spiritual, and releasing sensation. This feeling of release was like lifting a weight off, providing immediate relief. After the session, Dave enjoyed months of relief from anxiety and an enduring sense of calm.

Surprising Elements: When asked about what surprised him the most, Dave mentioned his open-mindedness to alternative approaches. He didn't doubt the process but was genuinely impressed by the effectiveness, describing it as great and different from his expectations.

Three Words to Sum Up the Experience: If he had to choose three words, Dave settled on spiritual, calming, and different.

Encouragement for Others: For those on the fence about trying energy healing, Dave's advice is clear: definitely try it and be open to the experience. While he can't guarantee identical results for everyone, he believes it's worth a shot, considering there's no apparent downside.

Closing Thoughts: In conclusion, Dave shared his positive experience with energy healing, emphasizing the relief and calmness it brought. This story aims to inspire others who might be dealing with anxiety or seeking alternative healing methods.

I've had chronic pain with my back since my teenage years. And as you can tell, no longer a teenager. And I was amazed that I went through this course and I've done so many things, other things, and they never helped. It always caused more pain. And today's the first day that I simply walked away from a course without pain.

Transformative Energy Healing: Suling's Journey from Dark Energies to Open Channels!

Transformative Energy Healing:

Suling's Journey from Dark Energies to Open Channels!

Unveiling the Magic of Healing.

Introduction: Hey, you're about to dive into a conversation with someone who's been on a profound energy healing journey with Leon Kolaski. They've got some experiences to share, so let's jump in!

Background: Imagine searching for an energy healer during a spiritual awakening. Our storyteller stumbled upon various methods before finding a connection with Leon. It all started with a conversation that felt just right.

Motivation for Seeking Energy Healing: Picture feeling the need for cleansing – to address past trauma, childhood issues, and the stress and anxiety that linger. The journey involved crucial steps like forgiveness and self-discovery.

Effects of Unresolved Trauma: Unresolved trauma wasn't just a thing of the past; it affected relationships, even leading to the end of a marriage. Childhood experiences cast a shadow on the ability to give and receive love.

Initial Experience with Energy Healing: Picture a first energy healing session that left our storyteller feeling lighter, with subsequent sessions bringing relief, forgiveness, and the release of dark energy.

Unexpected Discoveries: Energy healing didn't just touch the surface; it uncovered unspoken personal traumas, bringing about surprising but transformative realizations.

Positive Changes in Relationships: Energy healing didn't just stop at personal transformation – it positively impacted relationships, fostering understanding, improved communication, and a shift in dynamics.

Benefits in Personal and Professional Life: Imagine better stress management, a calmer demeanor, improved family relationships, and a fresh perspective in both personal and professional life.

Impact on Children: Energy healing didn't just end with the individual – our storyteller's son experienced increased calmness, and their daughter overcame challenges, attracting new clients.

Gratitude and Recognition: Picture feeling genuine gratitude for the love, care, and support received during the energy healing journey. The ability to sense and address specific issues left our storyteller amazed.

Looking Forward: Now, picture looking forward with a more open third eye, eager to give back by channeling messages from the universe and helping others along the spiritual path.

Encouragement for Others: If you've been considering energy healing, don't be skeptical. Take that leap of faith – our storyteller encourages you to experience it for yourself, promising transformative effects.

Conclusion: As we wrap up, let's express thanks and hope that this shared journey inspires you to seek help and experience the positive changes that energy healing can bring into your life.

I would say with this experience, the simplest techniques are the most magic out of coming to energy mastery. It's the techniques, the protocols, just how really simplistic that really brings in the miracles and the magic to bring that I learned with when I first came that you can really heal yourself and feel healing your own being instead of all the band aids and protocols that are shoved on us in this everyday life.

Healing Beyond Borders:

Anne's Journey from Pain to Positivity with Energy Healing!

Healing Beyond Borders:

Anne's Journey from Pain to Positivity with Energy Healing!

When my friend first approached me, she was visibly in pain, dealing with a herniated disc. The initial observation was more of a friend recognizing something amiss rather than her seeking me out as a healer. She needed an outlet to express her feelings about the challenging situation she was facing.

Our journey started with the initial discovery process, where we explored the complexity of pain. We delved into both the structural and emotional aspects, recognizing that pain could be multi-faceted. From the physical agony to the emotional struggles, a series of questions led us to uncover deeper insights, revealing underlying emotional burdens.

Moving on to the healing session, my friend vividly described her intense pain, emphasizing the immediate relief experienced during and after the session. The conversation acknowledges the post-session challenges, including the discipline required to incorporate recommended practices into her daily routine.

I recalled how I noticed the impact of her pain on her business, prompting our healing session. A FaceTime call with her daughter post-session highlighted the noticeable positive difference, even from a distance, as I conducted the healing remotely.

I opened up about my initial skepticism and doubts about energy work, despite having confidence in my abilities. However, witnessing the profound positive changes in my friend made me a believer in the potential of this healing process.

To those considering energy work, I would encourage giving it a try. If you're dealing with persistent pain and have tried other avenues without success, this might be the relief you're looking for. It worked for my friend, and witnessing her progress has strengthened my belief in the effectiveness of this approach. Don't hesitate to explore a better track for relief and well-being.

So this is my second time taking energy mastery foundation. I'm really glad I'm here because I learned so much more, because the first one seems overwhelming to me, that is, but the second one, which is true, like Leon said, that it's a great refresher to know the tools, kind of, kind of like a second nature now, what to do and things like that. So, yeah, I'm really glad I'm here, and thank you for having me.

Unlocking Miracles and Magic: Joyce's Journey as an Energy Mastery Instructor!

Unlocking Miracles and Magic:

Joyce's Journey as an Energy Mastery Instructor!

Struggles and Initial Skepticism: Joyce shared that her entry into Energy Mastery was initially met with skepticism. She was already coaching in her business with Sioban Moran but hesitated when she learned about this practice. However, after experiencing the profound impact of energy work on herself, she realized she needed to learn more.

Unexpected Benefits and Quantum Entanglement: Joyce discussed the fascinating aspect of energy work—its ability to transcend physical distance. She highlighted its baffling effectiveness, mentioning quantum entanglement for a more scientific perspective. The fact that this practice could work remotely amazed both Joyce and Leon.

Personal Struggles and Past Approaches: Joyce opened up about her personal struggles, including being a psychotherapist for 43 years and dealing with constant mental chatter. Despite trying various approaches, it was only through Energy Mastery that she found a significant reduction in mental noise and gained control over her thoughts.

Healing Stories: Both Joyce and Leon shared stories of healing. Joyce recounted helping a rodeo participant with severe neck pain, enabling him to return to his activities within an hour. Leon shared a story about successfully healing a deep cut on his thumb using energy work.

Life Transformations: Joyce discussed the positive transformations in her life since practicing Energy Mastery. She mentioned improved relationships with her husband, who also took the class, resulting in a calmer household. Additionally, her business flourished, leading to a significant increase in income.

Becoming a Teacher: Leon inquired about Joyce's decision to become an Energy Mastery teacher. Joyce expressed her love for teaching and her belief in the transformative power of this work, inspiring her to share it with others.

Favorite Stories: Joyce shared several impactful stories of healing, including a client who experienced immediate relief from a burn and a family member calming down during a moment of high anxiety.

The Awe Factor: Both Leon and Joyce expressed continued amazement and awe at the ongoing positive experiences and miraculous outcomes they witness through Energy Mastery.

Looking Forward: Joyce expressed her eagerness to teach more people, emphasizing the life-changing impact Energy Mastery can have. She cited examples of students experiencing significant shifts in their lives.

Encouragement for Others: Joyce encouraged those considering Energy Mastery sessions or classes to take the plunge. She praised Leon's abilities and stressed the importance of investing in both sessions and classes for transformative results.

Gratitude: Leon thanked Joyce for sharing her experiences, acknowledging that their conversation could inspire others to explore and benefit from the Miracles and Magic of Energy Mastery.

So I think I'm one of those people that had energy kind of running amok, and I didn't have any tools or know what to do with it. And I feel like after this weekend at Energy Mastery®, I have a much better understanding of how it's all working. And we did one exercise that was amazing. It brought up this stuff and gave me a great place to put it. I could literally feel it moving through my body and getting out of me, which was amazing.

Healing Journey Unveiled:

Kayla's Astonishing Transformation with Energy Work!

Healing Journey Unveiled:

Kayla's Astonishing Transformation with Energy Work!

Car Accident and Limp: Kayla shares that almost a year ago, she was in a car accident, resulting in a noticeable limp that progressively worsened. Despite hoping it would resolve on its own, the discomfort persisted.

Healing Session: Leon noticed Kayla's limp and offered to help. After a few weeks, Kayla made time for a session using the tools Leon provided. In the session, they addressed her limp and some unexpected wounds from dancing at her wedding, which were not healing.

Previous Ailments: Kayla had injured her foot in the car accident, leading to overcompensation and the development of the limp. Additionally, wounds on her feet from dancing at her wedding were not healing, causing concern about potential infections.

Session Experience: Kayla describes the session as relaxing and calming. She left feeling blissful, and to her surprise, the limp corrected itself almost immediately. The non-healing wounds began to scab within two to three days after the session.

Post-Session Results: The day after the session, Kayla woke up without the limp, leading to genuine surprise. The quick and effective results were unexpected for her, considering initial skepticism.

Three Words to Describe the Experience: When asked to choose three words to describe the session experience, Kayla selects "blissful," "calming," and "peaceful."

Encouragement for Others: Kayla encourages those considering working with Leon or attending his training to give it a try, emphasizing that they have nothing to lose.

Surprise Factor: Leon asks Kayla about the most surprising part of the experience. Kayla mentions being initially skeptical but expresses surprise at how quickly she felt better after the session.

Conclusion: Leon expresses gratitude to Kayla for sharing her experience, highlighting how her story may help others. Kayla acknowledges the positive and quick impact of the session and expresses appreciation for the help.

Hey, good morning. It's Jim Dickinson from Seattle, Washington. And I just finished Leon Kolaski's inaugural Energy Mastery® Foundations course here in LA. It was an amazing experience. What led me to this, really is my understanding of the world around one universal intelligence and abundance, and how that shows up in my life.

Here is a video of Anne’s must-watch story discussing the miracles of energy healing.

Here is a video of Anne’s must-watch story discussing the miracles of energy healing.

Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not what you think.

My friend Anne had been suffering from debilitating back pain for months. She was taking steroids and pain meds to manage it, but they weren’t helping much.

I convinced her to let me help her using energy healing.

After the first healing session, Anne was nearly pain-free. Her overall pain level that she had been living with day-in and day-out, had gone from a “9” to a “2”.

Later that day, her daughter called and asked, “What the h--- did you do to my mom? Like, I don't understand what you did. She’s a different person! Thank you!”

That’s the power of Energy Mastery®.

Hi, I'm Jessi. This is my second time coming here, and I've honestly learned a lot more than I did the first class. Even though we covered the same things, it was a really good refresher that I didn't know I needed. Taking this class has helped me remove a lot of negativity that I've been holding on to and learning how to let things go and also not let things bother me or hold any weight when it doesn't need to hold any weight. It helped me release a lot of things and find out a lot about myself that I didn't know I had or is in me. And I'm really glad I took this class. I hope you can, too.

Leon Kolaski's

Personal Experience

Leon Kolaski's

Personal Experience

Leon Before

Leon After

Hi, I'm Jenn K. I'm an Energy Mastery® teacher and I came to this class to support and also critique myself. Each time I come to the class, I always learn something new. I always come away with such an amazing, energetic shift. I would so encourage you to, if you're at all interested, come to the class because the miracles that unfolds won't go away.

Arianne transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Arianne transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Arianne Before

Arianne After

Well, one of the things I love about doing in person energy work, as opposed to doing something online and doing little modules, is just being able to interact with the other people and feel the energy, real time questions. At the moment something comes up, the camaraderie of the people. The energy of the people, just being able to make friends, breakthroughs. The energy itself is very gentle, but yet it's very strong and powerful.

Suling transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Suling transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Suling Before

Suling After

Hi, I'm Jessi, I'm from The Bay. I came here with no expectations, a change and growth. I was the youngest in the class. Everybody else had at least two to three years more or two to three times more on my age so I'm able to start earlier, but I had less things to care onto but I did not realize how I'm emotionally sensitive right now. Thankfully, the instructor they were able to point out some small things that can go a long way with me and I'm excited to apply all the tools I have without having me to overthink or feel consumed into my own thoughts and to be everything just like flow, be me.

Jaylen transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Jaylen transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Jaylen Before

Jaylen After

Hi, I'm Emily. I'm a physical therapist from Virginia, and I was inspired to attend after meeting with two practitioners who just seemed to exude a certain energy. And then we did a group healing, and I feel like I got, I don't know, inspiration from it. So if you're thinking about attending, you should. I was a little skeptical at first, as I tend to be about anything, but I don't know, I felt inspired, and I feel night and day difference from when I walked in the building come to the class.

Jessi transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Jessi transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Jessi Before

Jessi After

Hello. My name is Dixie, and this is actually my first time coming here to energy healing, and I love it. I came in here more like, I think the best thing to describe it is a train wreck emotionally, without even knowing it touched things about me that I didn't know I needed healing. And I'm leaving this place full of energy. Amazingly feeling healed in so many levels and ready to help the world.

Crystal transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Crystal transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Crystal Before

Crystal After

So. My name is Brian Capp. I came to Leon's Energy Mastery® class because I wanted to learn energy, especially using that in my business and our relationships. I learned a lot of great things here today, and I'm still very curious about it and just looking forward to continuing exploring this work. Thank you.

Kayla transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Kayla transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Kayla Before

Kayla After

Hi, my name is Amy Hall from Oxnard, California, and I received my first Energy Mastery® session from Leon on Monday of this week. And then my second session was on Tuesday. I was pretty stuck in life. I wouldn't say pretty stuck. I really just didn't know what could fix me. I was going to go on a vacation and just knew that that might not work. And as I got worked on, everything started to lighten, and I felt the shifts. So I ended up here at the foundations course. And I feel like my whole life is kind of unstuck. I don't feel depressed.

Steph transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Steph transformed in One Session:

See the Before & After

Steph Before

Steph After

Hi, my name is Alanna. I came to this workshop realizing that I have issues with grief from losing my son, and I feel a great release from the work that we do here. I've been to other energy workshops where I learned how to run energy, but I didn't learn what to do with it. And there's a wonderful protocol and method of dealing with the energy, the negative energy, how to clear it, and how to get rid of it, and how to send it away. So I really recommend doing this.







Will this work for me?

You don't need to fully understand or believe in how energy healing works for it to have an effect on you. However, it is important to be open and receptive to the process in order for it to work effectively.

If you're still feeling skeptical, consider this analogy: Have you ever boiled a cup of water in a microwave? You can't see the waves that heat the water, but you know they exist because the water boils.

Similarly, even though we can't see the energy that affects our bodies, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Think about the invisible energy waves that surround us every day, such as those from microwave towers, radar, electromagnetic devices, and radio waves from our cell phones. These energies disrupt the natural flow of our own energy.

When the energy in our bodies becomes disrupted, blocked, or depleted, it can lead to illness and a lack of enjoyment in life. Energy healing helps to restore and balance our natural energy, promoting overall well-being. So, energy healing can work for anyone who is open to it and willing to explore its benefits.

Are the Energy Mastery® trainings safe?

a. Completely no-touch and non-invasive

b. Gentle, calming, and pain-free

c. No drugs or medications of any kind

Can I work on others?

Yes! You can use these same techniques to help others around you. You can even help animals. Here is one example:

"It's been over 6 months since I got certified & have seen many miracles. Here are a few recent updates... I worked on a few of my animals having tumors-my cat's have disappeared & my ole pup still has his yet his daily routine has improved by leaps and bounds. On the human front, my issues of pain continue to lessen." - Robin Fox Paulsen

Energy healing works on your energy or aura, while ailments first appear as energetic disruptions. Left untreated, they manifest into physical or emotional symptoms. By cleansing and ridding yourself of negative energies, you'll see levels of health and happiness you probably haven't experienced since you were young.

What kind of problems can this help?

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

• Relationships

• Financially

These teachings provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse poopy energy and self-heal.

It works!

What should I expect during an online energy healing session?

During an online energy healing session, you will typically connect with the healer via video call. The healer may guide you through relaxation techniques and ask about your current concerns or intentions for the session. As you relax, the healer will work to balance and direct energy remotely, using visualization and intention. You might feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. The session concludes with a discussion about your experiences and any guidance for post-session care.

How Is It Different from Other Healing Techniques?

The therapist model means people are codependent on the therapist to heal. Our model is a template that makes people independent of therapists after the training.

I use the Energy Mastery® system because it is grounded in ancient spiritual practices used by healers for thousands of years. It combines relatively new branches of sciences like quantum physics and epigenetics.

I will help you to cleanse and re-energize your energy body…

• Without drugs

• No gadgets

• No physical contact

The healing practitioner works on the energy or bioplasmic body, not your physical body. They don't need to touch you or be in the same room.

Is This like Reiki?

This is not Reiki. There is no other system like this taught anywhere else in the world. It's different from any meditation, Reiki, prayer, or yoga retreat you've experienced because it focuses on more than just increasing energy.

Is This a Religion?

No! Although I use techniques found in almost every religion in the world, this is non-denominational and compatible with any belief system.If you can breathe, you can learn these techniques.

What is an energy healer?

An energy healer is a practitioner who works to balance and restore the natural flow of energy within the body, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.

How can an energy healer help me?

Energy healers can assist with reducing stress, alleviating chronic pain, improving emotional well-being, and enhancing overall health by clearing energy blockages and restoring balance.

Do I need to believe in energy healing it for it to work?

While belief is not required, being open and receptive to the process can enhance its effectiveness.

Can an energy healer help with chronic conditions?

Many people report relief from chronic conditions such as pain, fatigue, and emotional distress after working with an energy healer.

How long does it take to see results from energy healing?

Results vary by individual; some people feel immediate relief, while others may require multiple sessions to experience significant changes.

How Long Have You Been Doing This?

I've been healing people all over the world for four years. I've spent a year using these techniques to heal myself from the emotional trauma of when my father killed himself. Then, I found I could help heal my family and others I encountered through my business.

It's a thrill every time someone has a breakthrough or improvement in their life from the energy work we do together.

What Kinds of Problems Will This Help?

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

• Relationships

• Financially

I can provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse negative energy and self-heal. It works!

How Does It Work?

Energy healing allows anyone to enjoy a happier and healthier life. Essentially, it makes a mind-body connection that helps you stay positive, even under challenging circumstances. It lets you relax, stay grateful, and maintain your physical and emotional wellness under constant stress.

Because we work with energy, there is no physical contact.

Whether it’s you or someone you know, all I need is a recent picture of the person.  

Due to the quantum nature of this type of healing we don't need to be in the same physical space.  I work with people just as effectively halfway around the world.

To begin, we’ll have a 15-minute discovery conversation. I ask questions because rarely is the symptom or pain the actual cause of the problem.  

This is scheduled right after you purchase your session.  We will cover what you can do to best prepare for your session.  From there, we’ll schedule the session, usually 24 to 48 hours from the discovery call.

Before our scheduled healing session, you’ll take a relaxing shower and a saltwater bath. After that, you’ll lie in a quiet, distraction-free place like your bed. Budget one and a half hours for the first session.

Usually, it takes a few sessions, but everyone feels a difference after the first one. Sometimes one session is all it takes.  Your ability to be open and receptive will allow for quicker results. 


Will this work for me?

You don't need to fully understand or believe in how energy healing works for it to have an effect on you. However, it is important to be open and receptive to the process in order for it to work effectively.

If you're still feeling skeptical, consider this analogy: Have you ever boiled a cup of water in a microwave? You can't see the waves that heat the water, but you know they exist because the water boils.

Similarly, even though we can't see the energy that affects our bodies, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Think about the invisible energy waves that surround us every day, such as those from microwave towers, radar, electromagnetic devices, and radio waves from our cell phones. These energies disrupt the natural flow of our own energy.

When the energy in our bodies becomes disrupted, blocked, or depleted, it can lead to illness and a lack of enjoyment in life. Energy healing helps to restore and balance our natural energy, promoting overall well-being. So, energy healing can work for anyone who is open to it and willing to explore its benefits.

Are the Energy Mastery® trainings safe?

a. Completely no-touch and non-invasive

b. Gentle, calming, and pain-free

c. No drugs or medications of any kind

Can I work on others?

Yes! You can use these same techniques to help others around you. You can even help animals. Here is one example:

"It's been over 6 months since I got certified & have seen many miracles. Here are a few recent updates... I worked on a few of my animals having tumors-my cat's have disappeared & my ole pup still has his yet his daily routine has improved by leaps and bounds. On the human front, my issues of pain continue to lessen." - Robin Fox Paulsen

Energy healing works on your energy or aura, while ailments first appear as energetic disruptions. Left untreated, they manifest into physical or emotional symptoms. By cleansing and ridding yourself of negative energies, you'll see levels of health and happiness you probably haven't experienced since you were young.

What kind of problems can this help?

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

• Relationships

• Financially

These teachings provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse poopy energy and self-heal.

It works!

What should I expect during an online energy healing session?

During an online energy healing session, you will typically connect with the healer via video call. The healer may guide you through relaxation techniques and ask about your current concerns or intentions for the session. As you relax, the healer will work to balance and direct energy remotely, using visualization and intention. You might feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. The session concludes with a discussion about your experiences and any guidance for post-session care.

How Is It Different from Other Healing Techniques?

The therapist model means people are codependent on the therapist to heal. Our model is a template that makes people independent of therapists after the training.

I use the Energy Mastery® system because it is grounded in ancient spiritual practices used by healers for thousands of years. It combines relatively new branches of sciences like quantum physics and epigenetics.

I will help you to cleanse and re-energize your energy body…

• Without drugs

• No gadgets

• No physical contact

The healing practitioner works on the energy or bioplasmic body, not your physical body. They don't need to touch you or be in the same room.

Is This like Reiki?

This is not Reiki. There is no other system like this taught anywhere else in the world. It's different from any meditation, Reiki, prayer, or yoga retreat you've experienced because it focuses on more than just increasing energy.

Is This a Religion?

No! Although I use techniques found in almost every religion in the world, this is non-denominational and compatible with any belief system.If you can breathe, you can learn these techniques.

What is an energy healer?

An energy healer is a practitioner who works to balance and restore the natural flow of energy within the body, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.

How can an energy healer help me?

Energy healers can assist with reducing stress, alleviating chronic pain, improving emotional well-being, and enhancing overall health by clearing energy blockages and restoring balance.

Do I need to believe in energy healing it for it to work?

While belief is not required, being open and receptive to the process can enhance its effectiveness.

Can an energy healer help with chronic conditions?

Many people report relief from chronic conditions such as pain, fatigue, and emotional distress after working with an energy healer.

How long does it take to see results from energy healing?

Results vary by individual; some people feel immediate relief, while others may require multiple sessions to experience significant changes.

How Long Have You Been Doing This?

I've been healing people all over the world for four years. I've spent a year using these techniques to heal myself from the emotional trauma of when my father killed himself. Then, I found I could help heal my family and others I encountered through my business.

It's a thrill every time someone has a breakthrough or improvement in their life from the energy work we do together.

What Kinds of Problems Will This Help?

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

• Relationships

• Financially

I can provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse negative energy and self-heal. It works!

How Does It Work?

Energy healing allows anyone to enjoy a happier and healthier life. Essentially, it makes a mind-body connection that helps you stay positive, even under challenging circumstances. It lets you relax, stay grateful, and maintain your physical and emotional wellness under constant stress.

Because we work with energy, there is no physical contact.

Whether it’s you or someone you know, all I need is a recent picture of the person.  

Due to the quantum nature of this type of healing we don't need to be in the same physical space.  I work with people just as effectively halfway around the world.

To begin, we’ll have a 15-minute discovery conversation. I ask questions because rarely is the symptom or pain the actual cause of the problem.  

This is scheduled right after you purchase your session.  We will cover what you can do to best prepare for your session.  From there, we’ll schedule the session, usually 24 to 48 hours from the discovery call.

Before our scheduled healing session, you’ll take a relaxing shower and a saltwater bath. After that, you’ll lie in a quiet, distraction-free place like your bed. Budget one and a half hours for the first session.

Usually, it takes a few sessions, but everyone feels a difference after the first one. Sometimes one session is all it takes.  Your ability to be open and receptive will allow for quicker results. 

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