Renowned Healer Is Available for Consultation

Calls to Help You Get Unstuck Today

Renew Your Health, Release Trauma, and Snap Out of Life’s Problems

with Leon's Ancient Healing Method Sessions

Book Your Free Evaluation Call Below

Here’s how we begin to heal together.

  • Step One – Book Your Evaluation Call using my calendar

  • Step Two - Put our scheduled time on your online calendar, or have Siri or Alexa set a reminder for you. I will call you at your number at our scheduled time.

  • Step Three – Show up to the call so I can give you all of the information as to how many sessions will be needed along with pricing and my schedule.

Book Your 30- Minute

Evaluation Call Below

“What the h--- did you do to my mother?!”

“What the h--- did you do to my mother?!”

Dear reader,

Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not what you think. My friend Anne had been suffering from debilitating back pain for months. I finally convinced her to let me help her using energy healing. After the first 90-minute session, Anne could move almost pain-free.

I’ll share her story and some before and after pics in a moment. Her daughter called me shortly after our session and exclaimed, “What you did for my mom was a miracle. I don’t know what you did, but she’s a new person! Thank you, Leon!”

Energy healing is an ancient art. If you’re unfamiliar with energy healing, stick with me for a moment, and I’ll do my best to explain.

What you’re about to learn can dramatically change your life. Imagine living without pills, medications, spending money on gurus, or other temporary fixes.

It’s a method that can help overcome physical and emotional pain. It can even help you improve your relationships and become more prosperous in your business.

Interested? Give me a few minutes and let me show you.

What is “Energy Healing?”

What is “Energy Healing?”

When you think of energy, what images come to mind? Nuclear power plants, oil refineries, or perhaps the sun? These are types of energy, but they are just a tiny drop in the ocean of energy that surrounds us throughout the universe.

Every living thing on this earth has energy, and the trillions of living cells in your body continuously give and receive energy.

Energy can be positive or negative. For us, negative or low vibrating energy is not good. It manifests as a disease, pain, or depression and it can also become a barrier to financial success.

When channeled properly, energy can heal your mind and body.

If it sounds far-fetched and you are unfamiliar with energy healing, it’s understandable to be skeptical.

Think of it this way.

What do you do to stop the pain when you bang your elbow besides muttering a few choice words?

You hold it with your other hand. Unconsciously, you’re sending healing energy to help relieve the pain. It helps, doesn’t it?

Well… that’s a simplified version.

When you think of energy, what images come to mind? Nuclear power plants, oil refineries, or perhaps the sun? These are types of energy, but they are just a tiny drop in the ocean of energy that surrounds us throughout the universe.

Every living thing on this earth has energy, and the trillions of living cells in your body continuously give and receive energy.

Energy can be positive or negative. For us, negative or low vibrating energy is not good. It manifests as a disease, pain, or depression and it can also become a barrier to financial success.

When channeled properly, energy can heal your mind and body.

If it sounds far-fetched and you are unfamiliar with energy healing, it’s understandable to be skeptical.

Think of it this way.

What do you do to stop the pain when you bang your elbow besides muttering a few choice words?

You hold it with your other hand. Unconsciously, you’re sending healing energy to help relieve the pain. It helps, doesn’t it?

Well… that’s a simplified version.

Energy Healing Has the Power To Achieve Much More

Energy Healing Has the Power To Achieve Much More

Energy healing and its practitioners have been around for thousands of years, back when humans only had the sun and the earth. They were more attuned to their bodies, nature, and the world under their feet.

In ancient times, the shaman cleansed excess negative energies that polluted the soul. Present-day energy healers also cleanse negative energy. Doing so allows the body to receive more positive healing energy.  Naturally the body is designed to heal itself.  We often disrupt this process with our negative thoughts, emotions, and societal programming. 

This healing modality can deal with physical illnesses and emotional trauma often the root cause of pain or disease. 

I'm working on your energetic body or the energetic container that sits outside your physical body.  When the energetic body is healthy, the physical body returns to it's natural healthy state.  

It can change how you think and open your heart to receive abundance into your life when you’ve been struggling and chasing money for so long.  

I’ve witnessed hundreds of people make miraculous transitions where they thought none was possible.

It’s not difficult to find thousands of positive stories on the internet.

Modern energy healers have a natural attraction to this work and are usually called to energy healing by a profound life event.

I know because it happened to me.

“I Don’t Believe That ‘Energy’ Stuff!”

“I Don’t Believe That ‘Energy’ Stuff!”

Hi! My name is Leon Kolaski, and I am an energy healer.

I learned this fantastic modality through the Energy Mastery® system developed by the world-renowned Sheevaun Moran.

Sheevaun has helped over 25,000 people overcome every type of medical condition and life problem. I’m proud to call Sheevaun my friend and mentor for over seven years.

So, how did I become a healer?

My father taking his own life caused my family and me tremendous pain.

In my search for my own healing, I was fortunate to have Sheevaun in my world and started taking many of her intensive Energy Mastery® in person trainings.  Soon after I began using these teachings daily for myself.

The teachings of her Energy Mastery® helped me overcome my emotional pain and grief.  

As I learned the techniques to help myself, I found that I could help others.  I never expected to get so much fulfillment by being a vessel for the healing of others. 

That was almost 4 years ago, and I’ve continued to train and improve this unique healing method.

I also believe you found this page for a reason, not merely by chance.

You’re here because you need help with something that is disturbing your peace.  

The Benefits of Energy Healing

The Benefits of Energy Healing

An energy healing session can jumpstart your life in new ways like…

  • Increased drive

  • Make more money

  • Freedom from pain and disease

  • ​Better performance in business or the arts

  • ​Higher energy

  • ​Deeper, more restful sleep

Today we rarely touch the bare ground or ocean to re-energize.

Microwaves, radio waves, and cell phones bombard us daily, disrupting our energy flow.

We’re hammered with negativity daily from all the news outlets, our daily commutes, and stress at work and home.

Constant negativity in our personal space really fills up our energetic container with low vibin negative energy that eventually effects our physical body. 

Energy healing has become more critical than ever because we’ve cut our ties to nature and its healing power.

Perhaps you need help with one of the four areas where people receive the most transformational healing:

1.  Physical Illness and Pain

Rebalancing your body’s energy can effectively treat serious illnesses like cancers and chronic conditions. It can promote overall wellness and immunity while restoring balance to the digestive and circulatory systems.

I’ve seen where it can help repair and reduce the pain of old muscle or skeletal injuries.

2. Mental Health

Your brain is almost pure energy. Trillions of electrical impulses transmit information throughout the neurons in the brain.

Sometimes we block the natural flow with negative thoughts, alcohol, or chemicals.

Clearing your mind and thoughts is the essence of energy healing therapy. An energy healer can help release internal roadblocks, such as letting go of old guilt feelings and regrets.

You can liberate yourself and develop a “success” mentality that steers you toward the abundance you deserve.

Energy healing works well for conquering fears and building confidence.  Often after a session is completed the recipient will notice that their mind is quiet.   

3.  Emotional Energy Hygiene

Your emotions are not random events or a product of your environment. The flow of energy guides them through your body. If these energy paths become blocked, we can become trapped with negative emotions.

Energy healing…

  • clears these pathways

  • leads to happier, more productive days

  • eases the pain and releases anxiety

  • provides and overall uptick in well being

4.  Spiritual Cleansing and Focus

Energy healing originates from a higher, universal power. It is non-denominational and strengthens whatever beliefs you hold dear.

Once people experience the power of energy medicine, they tend to feel stronger, clearer, and more joyful. Energy healing helps them continue their spiritual journey by giving their lives more profound meaning and an unshakable sense of purpose.

A single session can open doors to a higher understanding of themselves and the unseen world around us.

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

Energy healing allows anyone to enjoy a happier and healthier life. Essentially, it makes a mind-body connection that helps you stay positive, even under challenging circumstances. It lets you relax, stay grateful, and maintain your physical and emotional wellness under constant stress.

Because we work with energy, there is no physical contact.

Whether it’s you or someone you know, all I need is a recent picture of the person.  

Due to the quantum nature of this type of healing we don't need to be in the same physical space.  I work with people just as effectively halfway around the world.

To begin, we’ll have a 30-minute discovery conversation. I ask questions because rarely is the symptom or pain the actual cause of the problem.  

This is scheduled right after you purchase your session.  We will cover what you can do to best prepare for your session.  

From there, we’ll schedule the session, usually 24 to 48 hours from the discovery call.

Before our scheduled healing session, you’ll take a relaxing shower and a saltwater bath. After that, you’ll lie in a quiet, distraction-free place like your bed. Budget one and a half hours for the first session.

Usually, it takes a few sessions, but everyone feels a difference after the first one. Sometimes one session is all it takes.  Your ability to be open and receptive will allow for quicker results. 

Energy healing works on your energy or aura, while ailments first appear as energetic disruptions. Left untreated, they manifest into physical or emotional symptoms. By cleansing and ridding yourself of negative energies, you'll see levels of health and happiness you probably haven't experienced since you were young.

The Benefits of Energy Healing

The Benefits of Energy Healing

Consider the benefits of energy healing, including:

  • Completely no-touch and non-invasive

  • It can be in person or performed remotely

  • Gentle, calming, and pain-free

  • No drugs or medications of any kind

  • ​Helps reduce anxiousness, pain, and sadness

  • ​May help you improve relationships, personal and professional

  • ​Removes blockages or imbalances that hold you back physically and emotionally

  • ​​Helps get you in alignment with your highest possible outcome that can improve your finances

We begin the session by identifying the root cause of your physical or emotional symptoms.

Let me share some personal client stories if you’re still a bit dubious.

Three Client Experiences

Three Client Experiences

I’m going to share some real-life examples that energy healing works.

Too Anxious to Fly

My friend, Brianne, has a boyfriend who suffered from severe anxiety. Although he had tried acupuncture and other treatments, they didn’t help.

He avoided attending social events with her, which was beginning to affect their relationship. The final straw was when he backed out of a trip to Florida they had planned together.

When I spoke with Brianna, she was very disappointed because he backed out at the last minute.

I knew her friend well, and we even watched UFC together. I got him to agree to let me try and help him. During the session, he underwent a very profound transformation.

I don't touch the person during the session. I use a crystal because I'm working with light. It’s my specialty, and I prefer it because I'm just a vessel for the healing energy. The crystal allows me to push even more energy than my physical vessel can.

I worked with him using the crystal, almost blowing him off the chair, although I never touched him. This big man broke down during the session and cried as he released years of pent-up, old traumas, anxiety, and fear.

Within two days, Brianna called to thank me. Her friend was a different, happier, and more confident man. They were about to fly to Florida together.

It works very well with chronic physical problems, like back pain. I'll share the second story with you.

Crippling Back Pain

Crippling Back Pain

Remember earlier when I mentioned Anne?

Anne is a long-time friend and client. I knew she had been suffering debilitating back pain for months. She was taking steroids and pain meds to manage it, but they weren’t helping much.

During our discovery conversation, she revealed details about her family, particularly her son. She had been trying to heal him and the rest of her family like a protective mama bear. But she didn’t have the energy to absorb and deflect all that negative energy alone. It manifested itself as back pain.

Look at these before and after photos.

The first one was right before our session.



We took the second picture immediately after our first 90-minute session.

Do you notice a difference? Anne sure did. She could move freely, and her pain went from a 9 to a 2 or 3.

Anne told me later that it was the first time she could take a stand-up shower in months. That’s how bad her pain was.

Later that day, her daughter called and asked, “What the h--- did you do to my mom? Like, I don't understand what you did. She was all doom and gloom, and now she’s a different person! Thank you!”

It was a very profound transformation!

… And that was only one session.

Below is a must watch video discussing the miracles of energy healing with Anne

⬇️⬇️ Watch This Video ⬇️⬇️

Below is a must watch video discussing the 

miracles of energy healing with Anne

⬇️⬇️ Watch This Video ⬇️⬇️

From One Energy Healer to Another

From One Energy Healer to Another

Dentists and doctors seek others in their profession when they need help. It’s the same with energy healers.

My friend Linda has been an Energy Mastery® healer for many years. She regularly comes to me for an “energy reset.” When I'm working on her, she intuitively knows what part of her body I'm working on. She's very attuned spiritually to her energetics and is a skilled healer.

Recently, she went through a divorce, and the negativity manifested around her heart. I would have a conversation after each session, and I would always be able to discover what was going on with her body and why specific energy centers were having a more difficult time or not as healthy as they needed to be.

She always looks forward to our time together because it allows her to go through it more comfortably than she could otherwise.

Are You Suffering from Health or Financial Problems?

Are You Suffering from Health or Financial Problems?

Energy healing can help you overcome many issues, including financial.

Let me ask you…

  • Are you experiencing illness more often?

  • Is it difficult to get a good sleep?

  • Do you have chronic pain or a serious health condition that Western medicine can’t cure?

  • ​Are you having difficulties performing at peak levels at work or school?

  • ​Do money troubles seem to follow you wherever you go?

  • ​Are you stressed, anxious, and short-tempered all the time?

All these things stem from a disrupted energy flow in your body. It’s time for you to rebalance.

As Our Energy Becomes Depleted, So Does Our Health and Wellbeing

As Our Energy Becomes Depleted, So Does Our Health and Wellbeing

Every day we’re bombarded by external energy waves and negativity. These crisscrossed signals deplete our body’s energy.

Do you like to read the news? Not much joy or positive energy coming from there.

The negativity gets inside and drags you down without you realizing it. Turn off all news feeds for a week and feel the difference!

Compounding the problem is that we don’t re-energize by grounding ourselves in the earth or ocean.

What’s the result?

As our energy runs out, our minds become more negative.

Negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions become more common.

We even attract negative things into our lives… like illness and money troubles.

Sometimes we stop eating right, drinking enough water, or sleeping enough, and our bodies begin to spiral down a negative track.

Things begin to snowball. Your attitude gets worse, leading to work or relationship issues.

Ultimately, your health and immune system suffer.

Your energy gets so low that your mind thinks there is no way out of “this situation,” whatever it is for you.

As an alternative healer who uses energy healing to make a new soul connection, I promise you there is a solution and a way out of your current situation!

“Hi Leon. After our first energy hygiene session yesterday, I had a business breakthrough. Within 12 hours of our session, three clients set up new orders from me. One had not ordered in 6 months, and another paid in full. Coincidence? I don’t think so anymore. There is something to this energy ‘Thing.’ Thanks.”

– William G. – Freelance Copywriter – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Will This Work For Me?

Will This Work For Me?

You don't have to understand how it works or fully believe in it for it to work.

For the energy to work, you must be open and receptive enough to what's happening.

Still skeptical?

Consider this…

You’ve boiled a cup of water in a microwave, haven’t you?

Can you see the waves that boil the water?

No. Of course not.

The energy must exist because the water is boiling.

Is it so hard to believe energy affects our bodies if we know invisible microwave energy exists?

Energy waves from microwave towers, radar, electromagnetic devices, and radio waves from our cell phones surround us.

All that inescapable human-made energy disrupts the flow of our natural energy.

When the energy in our body gets disrupted, blocked, and depleted, we become ill and stop enjoying life.

It’s that simple.

Energy healing works for anyone open to having it work for them.

Increase Your Energy, Health, and Abundance

Increase Your Energy, Health, and Abundance

It’s challenging to maintain our natural energy.

Let’s be realistic. All the technological gadgets, like Wi-Fi and cell phones, aren’t going away.

Stress from work, home, and other external sources will always be there.

Sometimes, they can be an overwhelming force, and we must find ways to adapt, restore, and protect our natural energy.

Your Body Is an Energy Vessel

Think of your body as a container full of energy, like a beautiful crystal vase.

As beautiful as it is, it can only hold a finite amount.

But we can increase the size of our container to hold much more energy through training and practice.

Take 56-year-old Budimir Šobat of Croatia. Budimir is a free diver who trained himself to hold his breath underwater and to slow his body’s metabolism.

He has the same lungs as you and I, but in 2021, he broke the world record. He held his breath underwater for an astonishing 24 minutes, 37 seconds!

I’m not suggesting you hold your breath. I am saying that you can increase the size of your energy container and gain more control.

Working together, I can help you to hold more positive energy than you ever imagined.

You see, most of us only use 1% of our energy capacity. Imagine how good and alive you will feel when you can use 50% or 80% of it.

It’s empowering when you can control the energy to heal yourself, experience your own health miracles, and improve your life.

You can start to push away the negative emotions, anxiety, and pain that hold you back and surround you like a dark fog.

You can feel balanced and clear for the first time in years.

Aren’t You Tired of Being Stuck?

Aren’t You Tired of Being Stuck?

It’s OK to be skeptical, but has anything else worked for you?

If you’ve already tried doctors, prescription medications, life coaches, therapists, meditation, yoga, Reiki, or any other modality that didn’t last long, it’s time to change.

Negative energy can come from external sources like the radio and microwaves. Plus, we can create this energy ourselves whenever we have strong emotions like fear, anger, stress, and frustration.

Visualize all that negative energy as gray clouds swirling in and around your body. If you don’t have a way to help those clouds dissipate, they grow thicker.

That pent-up negative energy affects the body and can manifest as disease, pain, emotional disorders, depression, or even psychological issues.

The easiest way to rid yourself of negative energy is to cleanse our energy body, much like when we take a shower to clean our physical body.

I discovered an energy hygiene technique called Energy Mastery®. It has helped over 30,000 people with all sorts of conditions regardless of their internal beliefs.

Try something different and positive to break out of your cycle and experience good results.

Energy Mastery® Is Not New

Sheevaun Moran developed this system and has applied it successfully for over twenty years. She took teachings thousands of years old, evolving and improving the methods.

Her corporate training and mindset helped her discover ways to streamline the techniques.

It’s energy healing, unlike other methods such as Reiki.

I found it to be more profound and comprehensive than other modalities.

My clients and I experienced positive results much faster.

And… you don’t have to understand how it works to benefit from it.

We have people who…

  • Eliminated serious illnesses without medication

  • Doubled and quadrupled their incomes after years of stagnation

  • Found true happiness in their lives after years without it

  • ​Escaped crushing depression and emotional trauma

  • ​Beat lifelong pain, sleeplessness, and allergies

  • Have better relationships personally and professionally

This energy training is an opportunity for you to improve your life, no matter your circumstances.

We all need a free flow of positive energy in our lives to sustain our health, attitudes, and abundance.

Energy medicine can help anyone to improve every level of their being, simply and quickly.

Help for Energy Practitioners

If you are an energy practitioner, I can help you recharge and renew your energy. It doesn’t matter if you practice other techniques like Reiki, Feng Shui, or other teachings.

Rebalancing your energy will give your clients better results and keep you healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

People often have the same questions before they can experience the true healing power of these techniques.

How Is It Different from Other Healing Techniques?

The therapist model means people are dependent on the therapist to heal. Our model is a template that makes people independent of healers or therapist after the training.

I use the Energy Mastery® system because it is grounded in ancient spiritual practices used by healers for thousands of years. It combines relatively new branches of sciences like quantum physics and epigenetics.

I will help you to cleanse and re-energize your energy body…

• Without drugs

• No gadgets

• No physical contact

The healing practitioner works on the energy or bioplasmic body, not your physical body. They don't need to touch you or be in the same room.

Is This like Reiki?

This is not Reiki. There is no other system like this taught anywhere else in the world. It's different from any meditation, Reiki, prayer, or yoga retreat you've experienced because it focuses on more than just increasing energy.

Is This a Religion?

No! Although I use techniques found in almost every religion in the world, this is non-denominational and compatible with any belief system.

If you can breathe, you can learn these techniques.

Can an energy healer help with chronic conditions?

Many people report relief from chronic conditions such as pain, fatigue, and emotional distress after working with an energy healer.

How Long Have You Been Doing This?

I've been healing people all over the world for four years. I've spent a year using these techniques to heal myself from the emotional trauma of when my father took his own life. Then, I found I could help heal my family and others I encountered through my business.

It's a thrill every time someone has a breakthrough or improvement in their life from the energy work we do together.

What Kind of Problems Will This Help?

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

• Relationships

• Financially

I can provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse negative energy and self-heal. It works!

Can I Help Others?

Yes! With some training, you can use these same techniques to help others around you. You can even help animals.

Here is one example:

"It's been over 6 months since I got certified & have seen many miracles. Here are a few recent updates...

I worked on a few of my animals having tumors-my cat's have disappeared & my ole pup still has his yet his daily routine has improved by leaps and bounds.

On the human front, my issues of pain continue to lessen."

- Robin Fox Paulsen

Energy healing works on your energy or aura, while ailments first appear as energetic disruptions. Left untreated, they manifest into physical or emotional symptoms. By cleansing and ridding yourself of negative energies, you'll see levels of health and happiness you probably haven't experienced since you were young.

We work on the things that block your energy and unwind the negative threads of old trauma that can hold you back. Once we uncover the root cause of deep-seated issues, we've seen miraculous results in all areas of life, including:

• Physically
• Mentally
• Emotionally
• Spiritually
• Relationships
• Financially

These teachings provide a solution you can use in any circumstance to cleanse poopy energy and self-heal.

What should I expect during an online energy healing session?

During an online energy healing session, you will typically connect with the healer via video call. The healer may guide you through relaxation techniques and ask about your current concerns or intentions for the session. As you relax, the healer will work to balance and direct energy remotely, using visualization and intention. You might feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. The session concludes with a discussion about your experiences and any guidance for post-session care.

My Risk-Free, Peace-of-Mind Guarantee

I can't guarantee that you'll experience complete healing because there is too much involved in your situation, with many variables surrounding it.

However, within seven days of our session, if you don't feel like you've made some progress, feel better, or if nothing has improved in your life, I will give you your money back.

Healing Session

Healing Session

Here’s how we begin to heal together.

  • Step One – Book Your Evaluation Call using my calendar

  • Step Two - Put our scheduled time on your online calendar, or have Siri or Alexa set a reminder for you. I will call you at your number at our scheduled time.

  • Step Three – Show up to the call so I can give you all of the information as to how many sessions will be needed along with pricing and my schedule.

  • Step Four - Before the session, I’ll give you all the information about how to prepare including taking a salt bath, and what meditation to do prior to our session for the maximum transformation.

Since the first session takes about 20-30-minutes, you’ll want a space at home where it’s quiet, and you’ll be uninterrupted by family, pets, or phones.

Get started now by scheduling our initial call.

Book Your 15- Minute Evaluation Call Below


Normally $300 For The Evaluation Call, Now Thru Midnight Is Free If You Book Today!

Here’s how we begin to heal together.

  • Step One – Book Your Evaluation Call using my calendar

  • Step Two - Put our scheduled time on your online calendar, or have Siri or Alexa set a reminder for you. I will call you at your number at our scheduled time.

  • Step Three – Show up to the call so I can give you all of the information as to how many sessions will be needed along with pricing and my schedule.

  • Step Four - Before the session, I’ll give you all the information about how to prepare including taking a salt bath, and what meditation to do prior to our session for the maximum transformation.

Since the first session takes about 20-30-minutes, you’ll want a space at home where it’s quiet, and you’ll be uninterrupted by family, pets, or phones.

Get started now by scheduling our initial call.

10% for Charity

When you purchase a session with me, I donate 10% of all my fees to the It is an organization dedicated to helping children, communities, and families across the country and around the world.

I do so because of Divine Law or reciprocity which says, “It is in giving that we receive. As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly.” It’s a way of life that has served me well, and I hope you will try giving regularly and see how much the universe gives back to you.

Book Your 30- Minute

Evaluation Call Below


10% for Charity

When you purchase a session with me, I donate 10% of all my fees to the It is an organization dedicated to helping children, communities, and families across the country and around the world.

I do so because of Divine Law or reciprocity which says, “It is in giving that we receive. As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly.” It’s a way of life that has served me well, and I hope you will try giving regularly and see how much the universe gives back to you.

Say YES! to the healing power of your energy. You have a 7-day money-back

guarantee, so there is no risk.

I wish you health and prosperity on your journey.

Click the link below if you would like my help.


Leon Kolaski

323-372-7870 text

P.S. I love being a student of how energy healing works. I'm intrigued by the results and miracles that people can have from it. You don’t need to understand it to feel better. When you get your energy right, you're going to feel better. Having your day go with ease and grace, almost floating along, is a much better way to live than trying to force everything.

Whether it's stress, anxiety, poor sleep, a health issue that just can't get resolved, or long-standing money troubles, you owe it to yourself and your family to try energy healing at least once. Because when your energy is not right, you're not going to attract health, goodwill, or money.

Book an energy healing session with me by clicking the link below to begin healing, learning, and understanding.

Here Are a Few of My Many Success Stories

Energy Mastery® — Suling's Journey

from Dark Energies to Open Channels!

Energy Mastery® — Breaking Free from Anxiety:

Dave's Spiritual Journey with Energy Healing!

Energy Mastery® — Breaking Free from Anxiety: Dave's Spiritual Journey with Energy Healing!

Energy Mastery® - From Skepticism to Belief:

Maria's Remarkable Journey to Healing Anxiety

Energy Mastery® - From Skepticism to Belief: Maria's Remarkable Journey to Healing Anxiety

Energy Mastery® — Unlocking Miracles and Magic: Joyce's Journey as an Energy Mastery Instructor!

Energy Mastery® — Healing Journey Unveiled:

Kayla's Astonishing Transformation with Energy Work!

Energy Mastery® — Healing Journey Unveiled: Kayla's Astonishing Transformation with Energy Work!

Energy Mastery® — Healing Beyond Borders: Anne's Journey from Pain to Positivity with Energy Healing

Energy Mastery® — Empowering Youth: Jessi's Journey to Emotional Sensitivity and Self-Discovery!

Energy Mastery® — Emily's Journey from Skepticism to Inspiration at Energy Mastery®!

Energy Mastery® — Soulful Transformation: Dixie's Unforgettable First Experience at Energy Mastery®!

Energy Mastery® — Healing Grief with Energy Mastery®: Alanna's Powerful Release!

Breaking Free from Chronic Pain: Sirah's Life-Changing Journey with Leon's Energy Mastery

Graduates of the Energy Mastery Class with Leon Kolaski plus testimonial of the 1-1 work






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